Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The first few God Moments of 2010

God Sightings on the First day of 2010
Dustin put some podcasts on my IPOD on prayer because he listened and knows I struggle in this area.
A big hug from my father-in-law whom I love like my dad.
Being overfed with wonderful food by Granny for the umpteenth time before we headed out.
Kissy noises from my one year old son every time I turned around in the car.
Running like airplanes to the rest stop bathroom and back with my daughter.
I smiled at the gas station attendant to brighten her evening...but than she insisted on giving me free coffee?

Jan. 2nd
Being with all 4 of my sisters including my sister Laura visiting from Australia.
Getting to ride back home with Laura and having a great talk...hopefully I was encouraging to her as well.

Jan. 3rd
Getting to see "our" youth and how God is blessing us from where we were last year.
Seeing Laura be open and honest to what God is doing with her in YWAM and how He has really gotten a hold of her life.
Hanging out with my sister again...feel closer to her than I ever have.

Jan. 4th
Have a cold, but Abigail rubbed my back and gave me a hug to "help mommy feel better."
Talked with my best friend from college days. We can always pick up right where we leave off and I can count on her to ask me about my relationship with God.

Jan. 5th
Dancing with my kids.
Husband praised me for dinner and trying to clean the house.
Threw away and got rid of an amazing amount of mismatched socks. I am actually working on a New YEar's Resolution...Get rid of clutter. If I only wouldn't have eaten that chocolate chip cookie. I guess they cancel each other out?
Talked with a good friend today.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Christy! I enjoyed reading about what's going on and being done in your life. :)

  2. Yay! Love being able to read about your world. :)

  3. What happened yesterday? What about today???
    This is exciting! What a beautiful first post.
