Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan. 11-18

Has a week happened by now? This blog helps me puts several things into perspective including the fact that time goes so quickly even though the days seem to drag by at times. Here it goes at trying to remember. I decided that in the future I am going to write down my God-Sightings every night on my Scripture Memory Cards...that way I can review scripture, thank God for seeing His Hand at work in my life, and keep the God-Sightings Fresh. What a great way to end each day...Let's see if I can keep that...I so desire for what I say to match up 100% of what I do. This is where I draw on God's grace and strength to help me for I can't do this on my own.

Jan. 11th- I brought my leftover cake into church for the youth...How does that much food get consumed in the blink of an eye? I will know that if I have anything I need to get rid of , (esp. the unhealthy stuff I can not keep in the house, for I have the self-control of a woman who just can't stay away from the sales racks), that I need to take it to church. I don't even think it matters how old it is? Just kidding...I won't bring anything with mold on it. God-Sighting...All the kids and friends wishing me happy birthday still. It's the little things that make a big difference. I had a great Sunday...I love these kids more each week and when I see the excitement and energy in the full room where we have to keep bringing in chairs compared to last year...I KNOW that God has HIs hand on us...our church.

Jan. 12th-Monday? What happened last Monday? I stayed at home all day and did laundry. God-Sighting...My little helper Abigail going around with the Dust Buster getting all the dirt pieces so proud of being Mommy's helper.

Jan. 13th-Tuesday...Trip to library with Abigail. I loved being outside in God's creation (esp. when not getting out the day before).

Jan. 14th- Wed. BSF. I am so excited to dig deep into His Word. Met a girl from China who met Christ and was there because of her neighbor. Wow, I desire to be God Sightings to our neighbors. We are on phase 3 of our reaching out mission.

Jan. 15th- Met a friend at Biblestudy. She always helps me with the kids, is honest, and truly cares about me and my family. I feel blessed to have her in my life. Plus, she is from OK., even lived across from my HighSchool, and went to the same church camp as a teenager. That is too much of a coincidence not to be a God Sighting.

JAn. 16th- A sweet lady from church came and babysat our kids for free so we could go on a date. God Sighting much? Plus, another family gave us a gift card to go out to eat. Although we are really struggling financially, God provides in such amazing ways. From a dehumidifier showing up in front of Dustin's office, to diapers on our back step, or money falling out of my camera bag from someone who felt led, God surprises and amazes me. Tears always form in my eyes as I think of the many ways God shows He cares. How many do I still miss? I am sure alot, but that is what this blog is all about.

Jan. 17th- Praying and Reading Scripture with 2 great couples from our small group. Their hearts and passion for God are not only uplifting, but challenging. I see God at work in their lives and it makes me excited that God gave them to us as friends. Plus, ABIGAIL told us "Come On, Ladies and Gentleman" as we were leaving out the door. How hilarious is that and who taught her to say it?

Jan. 18th- Sunday- Today was so much fun! It was just exciting being in God's house to worship HIm. I had alot of great conversations with youth and volunteers. God is working. Also, about 20 kids showed up for the drama team we are starting . WOW! God provided a seasoned thespian, Keith, to partner with on this. It was way more than I can handle...If you step out on faith, God really shows up sometimes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan 6-10 Birthday Week

Jan. 6th.. Started BSF today. I am Excited about digging deep into God's Word. I Buckled kids in the car, STILL listening to Christmas music because after all it is my b-day week=) , than Abigail told me she has to go to restroom. Got everyone out of car including my 27 pound 1 year old, and a nice lady let me in the locked door and pointed me to a close restroom. I never thought a bathroom could be a God-Sighting but in this case it was=). After we got on the road again, I looked in the rearview mirror to see Abigail and Evan holding hands from their 2 carseats and giggling at one another. It was one of those rare God moments, that you have to hold on to during the hundreds of other moments involving pushing, toy-stealing, crying, and biting. I also had a wonderful conversation with my best friend from H.S. She is such an encouragement and hopefully, I encouraged her as well. Got to share with my Grapple Kids about how God can guide us...this was one of those nights where i am not sure anyone got it, but I am praying that as we study the Holy Spirit for the next few weeks that I will see a few lightbulbs and A-Ha moments.

Jan. 7th...Dustin watched the kids for a little bit so I could go to MOPs...What a wonderful understanding husband I am blessed with. He shows me God Moments each day I am married to him....I would be lying if I said that some days I saw more than others, but still, he should get a lot of jewels in his crown for all he serves me. We were going to go out tonight, but kids weren't feeling good, so we had a movie night instead. Time snuggling together is good.

Jan. 8th. Again, Dustin blessed me by watching the kids as I went to the Outlets to hunt for a few bargains. I had a wonderful time sipping my 74 cent coffee from McDonald's and praying. I even prayed for wisdom and God to help me find good deals. I never thought to pray for success and wisdom before I shop, but I definitely will from now on. (Yeah, 2.99 shirts!) It also was snowing, so I took a quick break and sipped a coke in a cafe and worked on my Group stuff in peace. This day was heavenly. It ended with going to our wonderful small group and being with some of our dearest friends. Some even surprised me with a cake and some cards/gifts. I have to say that I had my cake and ate it too at 10 that night. It was my birthday EVE after all. I will start on that NEw Year's Resolution to lose weight MONDAY!

Jan. 9th. My last year to be in my 20's. Aughhhhh! IT was a regular morning of chaos. (So glad to have my coffee today. ) I think my coffee is a God moment each morning as I begin to smell and taste that bittersweet brew that awakens my groggy self and ....I better stop or someone might thing I am addicted. Nonetheless, I am thankful that God thought of coffee beans=) I had several phone calls from my best friends in the whole world. How blessed I am to not just have one best friend, but several whom I have shared life with for many years. Most people only get 1 or 2 over a lifetime, but God has over abundantly blessed me in this area. He knows I need all the prayer and encouragement I can get! I got to have lunch and see "Leap Year" with 2 more friends . (Totally cute love story by the way, and I really would LOVE to go to Ireland someday)
I got to spend the rest of the evening with my family. All 5 of us sisters were together and as I sat on the couch with them, it was a God-Sighting that He blessed me with 4 sisters whom I love with all my heart.

Jan. 10th. Actually made it to church on time. Still looking for the one big God-Sighting of the Day....praying God will surprise me today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The first few God Moments of 2010

God Sightings on the First day of 2010
Dustin put some podcasts on my IPOD on prayer because he listened and knows I struggle in this area.
A big hug from my father-in-law whom I love like my dad.
Being overfed with wonderful food by Granny for the umpteenth time before we headed out.
Kissy noises from my one year old son every time I turned around in the car.
Running like airplanes to the rest stop bathroom and back with my daughter.
I smiled at the gas station attendant to brighten her evening...but than she insisted on giving me free coffee?

Jan. 2nd
Being with all 4 of my sisters including my sister Laura visiting from Australia.
Getting to ride back home with Laura and having a great talk...hopefully I was encouraging to her as well.

Jan. 3rd
Getting to see "our" youth and how God is blessing us from where we were last year.
Seeing Laura be open and honest to what God is doing with her in YWAM and how He has really gotten a hold of her life.
Hanging out with my sister again...feel closer to her than I ever have.

Jan. 4th
Have a cold, but Abigail rubbed my back and gave me a hug to "help mommy feel better."
Talked with my best friend from college days. We can always pick up right where we leave off and I can count on her to ask me about my relationship with God.

Jan. 5th
Dancing with my kids.
Husband praised me for dinner and trying to clean the house.
Threw away and got rid of an amazing amount of mismatched socks. I am actually working on a New YEar's Resolution...Get rid of clutter. If I only wouldn't have eaten that chocolate chip cookie. I guess they cancel each other out?
Talked with a good friend today.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Attempt to Blog

I didn't ever intend to blog. However, I have decided that it would be a good way to look over things that happen in our lives...I hope that it will inspire others through my walk with Christ, and my mistakes along the way to live each day to the fullest. So, I want to pursue more of the passions God has given me. I want to feel alive and live in the freedom Christ died to give me. I love to teach, write, and speak. It might just be to a few in S.S. or writing blogs, but I will follow the path God has placed me on and pursue the passions He created me with. I will love my husband and 2 wonderful children with all my heart and treat each day as a gift. I want to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ and return to my first Love...with my Savior.